Saturday, April 30, 2011

One Reason For 700 US Bases Around The World

What if we had a peaceful race of aliens descending and disabling our nuclear devices? Would the powers that rule want us to know about this? What means would the governments of the world go to in order to protect their power investment and cover it all up?

If you can take yourself out of the norm for a minute and believe aliens exist, then you can look at this with an open mind. This is merely a theory of mine and has no conclusive evidence. I will include a link to a NASA video showing the anomalies and you can decide for yourself if my theory has any claim. This may not be new “news” however it is important none the less.

Video of the space craft and laser or energy beam

First I want you to forget about the idea that we live in sovereign nations governed by officials we elected. This applies to you no matter where you are and no matter what language you have translated this in to. Our governments are puppets put in place to orchestrate the day to day dealing within the dominions of the global Elite!
What I propose is that a majority of the countries of the world are included in what everyone calls the United Nations. These are countries which are run by the global elite and countries which harbour the elite’s resources, weaponry, militias & masterminds behind every atrocity known to us today.

Now the united states being the super power of the day, which the elite control in entirety have the man power and resources to occupy any country which tries to oppose them. You see this leads me to my point, why does the states want to be in so many countries and occupy them set up base and then expect them to go on about their daily lives. Examples of this are Japan and Germany, but you can research this on your own. Canada most definitely works hand in hand with the United States.
Okay and on we go, I want you to think about what I said when I began this novel ;) peaceful aliens coming here disarming nuclear weaponry, and I had to explain that the super power in charge run and manipulated by the Global Elite have been over taking countries and manipulating their position on earth with precision resembling that of a professional chess game.

Now my theory is that the powers to be have been secretly defending their empire with what some call the star wars program. I am quite sure from footage and astronaut audio clips that they have been covering this up awhile. Not to mention actively engaging what I can only describe as a UFO. In the footage I have seen you clearly see multiple objects floating about, however it is only this one object which turns and spouts off that receives what looks to be an attack from some sort of energy beam or laser.

NASA laser technology at work

Now why does the super power need so many bases scattered among the planet? Why does the United States need several hundred bases worldwide? Well when you have come to realize the Global Elite own it all and their goal is to control and manipulate the public in to supporting a luxurious lifestyle for them. This done of course through mere brute and threatening force, as who dare confront the United Empire of America.

These several hundred bases in turn could be look out and defence posts used to battle there foe, this peaceful alien race hell bent on bringing peace, love and enlightenment to us all. With the NASA footage and audio, the whistle blowers and classified documents involved with the whole subject clearly promote that we are not alone. I am more inclined to believe that the Global Elite or Global Empire which ever you prefer is currently engaged in space warfare. There is most definitely a secret space program privy to the most trusted and brainwashed of them all.
Now wake up and start investigating this. The energy or laser beam technology is only one example of what is being implemented today in order for the Global Empire to continue its economic slave drive. Put the pieces together and see that there has always been a global empire and that when one empire crashes another is always erected in its place.

The bloodlines have been unaltered for years with only select few individuals permitted in to their circle of deviates. Perverse and devilish behaviour is enacted on orders from generals and leaders who only have the wishes of the Global Empire in mind, we the people are the instrument of their evil when they scream that they do it in our names as Canadians, Americans or whichever country you may be from. All lies to keep us busy and preoccupied fighting each other instead of them.

We are not seeing this type of action
from visiting aliens these to me are
propaganda and fear tactics 

I hope this enlightened a few minds and allowed you to think openly about the issue. I don’t necessarily believe all that I say here and as stated above there is no conclusive or profound evidence to my theory, it is basically me just throwing an idea out in the open and seeing what kind of feedback it gets. I also may not believe everything written but just see it as a mere possibility

I encourage everyone who may be sceptical to start reading the works of trusted authors and historians who have not gotten rich or famous but have wrote and told their stories of government corruption and manipulation through the means of military and corporate dealings. Please seed the internet with info and wake up the minds of the world. I also encourage confronting your elected officials in a non violent manner and asking questions about your tax dollars involvement in domestic affairs.

I will be talking to you soon, until then be safe and don’t drink the water.

Post By JMG

What Does A Cruise missile Cost The Tax Payer? & How Does It Affect The Those Being Bombarded

Well where to start today? Hmmm I have an idea.... let's start with our involvement in too many countries. This does not just go for the United States; we have got to UNDERSTAND that this is the United Nations Destroying Everything Righteous, Stand-Up Together And Never Disperse!

So today we are looking at millions, more likely billions of dollars in the war effort. Have you ever asked yourself how big a cruise missile can be? Or just how much that one missile costs?
Air Launched Cruise missile 
People, we are talking about missiles up to 20 + feet in length! These Missiles in 1999 costs the American population $US 569,000 for each unit. This same can be said for Canada (my home country, or shall I say commonwealth) and all of the other countries actively allowing their armed forces to fight for the interests of these who say we are on a “Humanitarian “ mission.
Tomahawk missile in flight 
These missiles can wreak havoc on the infrastructure of a society. Let’s ask ourselves if we would like a foreign country coming to intervene during one of our civil wars. Let’s not fool ourselves, we would not take well to any outside interference, and besides in a free and just society we should have the right to challenge our government and based on a majority decision have an outcome which reflects the masses.
 This is damage in Tripoli due to cruise missiles.
I am convinced; there are no real answers to justify our dealings on the international stage. We, yes I say we as together we have all allowed it to get this bad. We have a chance to wake up, stand up and start striking back in a peaceful way!! We cannot fight fire with fire so I suggest throwing water on it and let the embers fade out and suffocate culprits in their own smoke.

We are lucky enough to have the means to witness the atrocities no matter how hard it may be to watch sometimes. This is the only way to wake up and realize they are lying to us. The good men and women of our armed forces, navies and air forces should be protecting our borders not invading others. We need to let our governments know we are not happy with the blatant misuse of our troops. Our troops around the world are great people and just following orders, how could we expect anything less from a man or woman who has consciously accepted the duties in which they are so easily rushed in to. A message to the troops would be to question your actions and match them to your moral beliefs.

So let’s get moving along to the point, in 1999 those cruise missiles we are so generously throwing at those African, Middle Eastern and Asian countries cost $US 569,000 wow! But this was in 1999, in today’s economy the numbers are more accurately estimated at  £500,000 (US$830,000[1]. for each unit. Dwell on this for a few minutes; we are throwing away millions a day to crumble numerous countries infrastructures for no acceptable reason. If we were to declared war on a country I would stand by our actions if we were being threatened, but let’s face it folks the people making the money in this war are the same people running the countries and puppet governments of the world.

So let’s start a mission to stop the production and use of missiles of all kinds being used to destroy the infrastructure and instead save and nurture the cultures we are so easily destroying. Some of these places are considered the cradle of life, does it seem fair to riddle these lands with bomb holes from cruise missiles. I would hope you agree and start looking in to these atrocities on the rest of the world and the pockets of all those tax payers getting hit with the costs. Remember folks no money you spend on bombs goes back in to your pocket this is just more money being filtered out of our pockets and in to theirs.

Thank You for taking the time to read…. For more blogs and daily news visit  or join the Ezone Radio website here >

Tomahawk Launched From Water

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

April 13th - Some Key Events This Day In History

1976 U.S.A. $2.00 bill 

13th April 1976 : $2.00 bill issued nationwide with portrait of Thomas Jefferson on the front and John Trumbles Portrait of the declaration on the back . Banks experienced long queues by those collectors who believed the bills would appreciate in value 

1987 U.S.A. Mikael Gorbachev 

13th April 1987 : President Reagan once again invited the Soviet Leader Mikael Gorbachev to talks in Washington but once again The Soviet Leader has declined the invitation. 

1989 Palestine Israeli Raids 

13th April 1989 : Israeli soldiers carry out a raid on a West Bank village leaving at least six Palestinians dead, this is part of the continuing attempts to quell the Palestinian uprising. 

1999 U.S.A. Jack Kervorkian 

13th April 1999 : Jack Kervorkian was sentenced in Pontiac, Mich., to 10 to 25 years in prison for the second-degree murder of Thomas Youk, 52 who was in the final stages of ALS ( Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis sometimes called Lou Gehrig's Disease ). The assisted suicide in 1998 was videotaped and shown on the November 23, 1998 broadcast of "60 Minutes". Kevorkian served eight years of the prison sentence for second-degree murder. He was released on June 1, 2007, on parole due to good behavior

1970 U.S.A. Apollo 13 

13th April 1970 : An explosion caused by an exploding Oxygen tank on Apollo 13 forced the astronauts to abandon their mission to the moon and head home, they were nearly at the moon when the problem occurred and they were forced to turn back . 

1931 U.S.A. Chicago Tunnel Fire 

13th April 1931 : 10 men killed in Chicago tunnel fire, the cause of the explosion was spontaneous combustion and is the worst underground disaster in Chicago History 

1943 U.S.A. Alcatraz Attempted Escape 

13th April 1943 : Four convicts attempted to escape from the prison at Alcatraz today. Two were drowned in San Francisco Bay after being shot and the other two were recaptured. 

1949 Germany Nuremberg Trials 

13th April 1949 : The Nuremberg Trials ended with 19 top aids to Adolf Hitler receiving up to 25 years for their part in war crimes against humanity. 

1965 U.S.A. River Flooding 

13th April 1965 : The Midwest continued it's problem weather after a large number of tornadoes on Palm Sunday rivers are now at flood conditions along the Mississippi affecting Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa and North Dakota with mass evacuations and already a number of deaths caused by the flooding. 

1975 Lebanon Beirut Street Battle 

13th April 1975 : At least 17 people are left dead and 30 wounded in an ambush by right-wing Lebanese forces on a bus carrying Palestinians in Beirut. This signals the beginning of 15 years of civil war in Lebanon between The Maronite Christian groups and the Muslim militias. 

2005 U.S.A. Eric Rudolph 

13th April 2005 : Eric Rudolph ( also known as the Olympic Park Bomber ), pleads guilty to carrying out the deadly bombing at the 1996 Atlanta Olympics in Atlanta Georgia. Rudolph pleaded guilty to numerous federal and state homicide charges and accepted five consecutive life sentences in exchange for avoiding a trial and the death penalty.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Two Copper Coins

In a world full of change for good why are we taking super giant steps backwards in other ways? Let’s sit back and think about what has changed in our daily lives. We have allowed our Governments to get too big and uncontrollable; we need to reduce the size of Government.
Secondly, we need to make Government completely transparent, not just open the books but make them completely accessible via hard copy, digital and any other form of media we can use to determine whether our tax dollars are being used intelligently.

This does not just apply to Americans, Canadians and other western countries living in what we believed were countries which served the people from the government down. We have all been equally dooped in to believing, whether it is dictator, monarchy or democratic republic the people behind it are most likely greedy power hungry individuals.

There have been times which were prosperous, but when you look at the reasons behind the Booms and the Crashes it is apparent it is all orchestrated. Now when you research these new age Caesars who are in charge and neglect to see the evil atrocities they have committed you are equally guilty. You may happily argue that all politicians are corrupt and walk away giggling like you are one who have been privy to this great big secret all of your life. You are wrong!!! Now Wake Up!!!

We all owe it to the earth, and to ourselves to start living without war. Ghandi knew this was achievable. We outnumber the Armies of the world by billions; we are a force to be reckoned with! We are strong and have a Right to Voice Our Concerns! We need to petition the end of war and start sending war funds and food around the world to feed and nurture the souls in humanity who by shear way of Mother Nature may be less fortunate.

Oil is not important! I know you may argue that we need it to fuel our vehicles, generators and other wonderful 20th century resource burners. I disagree with you and say let’s take humanity in a clean and green direction. Not because gore has convinced me that global warming is going to be the end of us all. In fact I don’t believe in global warming! However I do believe what we are doing is just like in the movies when the enemy alien intruder has only one intention, Sucking a planets resources dry. Let’s stop ripping our planets body to shreds in order to live like we are happier. Take the initiatives today and make change happen for the better.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Haliburton @ The Three Mile Island Nuclear Incident

Haliburton has been coming out from under the rock it's been hiding under. Haliburton seems to be at all the big spills or accidents. This is a company that is shrouded in secret contracts and the recipients of government bids Which secure the companies future in times when the economy is broken.

The Three Mile Island nuclear plant incident took place on march 28th, 1979 at 4am. A pilot operated relief valve (PORV) was the culprit, however the incident was compounded when the engineers failed to notice large amounts of cooling fluids were being leaked from their number 2 reactor. This brought the USA closer than they had ever been to a full nuclear meltdown.

One of the companies charged with the task of containing and cleaning up the incident were Haliburton. This further shows Haliburtons position with the USA's Government. Although this company stays out of the limelight they sure do sit well with government. It also makes us realize Haliburton has been with us at least 32 years.

Should Haliburton be given these contracts with out any bidding? How can a company so shadowed be able to get such great government contracts? These are just a few questions to ask yourself. Remember the average Employee of haliburton is just happy to be working. It's not the fault of those directly involved on the work site persay, but the big wigs at haliburton are most definitely washed up and I would like to use the term mobbed up as the government seems to work exactly like the mobs of the early days of American crime. They only use companies or associations which directly put money in to their friends pockets.

This picture was taken from a video depicting the events of the Three mile island incident.
There was no real mention of Haliburtons involvement with Three mile Island, However I am inclined to make the assumption that they were definitely involved to some degree.