Well what more can I say about Osama, Nothing! Why you may ask? Well let's see we have ended up getting shafted again. Did we not all know this was coming? They had to eventually put these older things to sleep right. What comes next people, think about this!! What is the next step in this blatant (I want to swear but refrain because this is just empowering them and their hate fuelling corporate empire) Corporate empire!!
Shall we all start just taking their word on everything, okay here is our future. We wake up go to work eat what is provided for us go home sleep and perhaps wash if we can save for the cost of the water. You see it is here!!!
It is in our face now.... the enemy has advanced on our territory and it is time to stand up for what you believe in. These lies need to stop and we need to dismantle the corrupt fed reserve and have a revision of what we the people want from our countries.
Remember our countries are not here to tell us what, where and how we can live our lives, unless we ask them to. It is this simple, our governments have and always kept us silenced by fear of jail or lord knows what. Well we now number in the billions. These governments need to start listening to us. Lets FEED the World not destroy it.
Instead I suggest using the power of love and friendship to gain the respect of those who believe their institution is the only way to live. These people can be woken up and I am in no way saying this is, or will be a simple task. What we are going to need is a team of dedicated independent researchers in every city, suburb and county across our great countries.
Our main goal should be focused with our officials already in place, this is the best way to gain a footing and get noticed by those we will be opposing or agreeing with. It is not our system which is messed up necessarily. I see most of the corruptors just using our great and fair system and turning it around on us. So let’s take a stand and make a difference today. I suggest if your city does not have a “we are change” or similar group to invest some time and create one. Use your digital camera and start covering news in your area and post to your social accounts online.
Canada, US…. This message is for us, if we allow any more of this we will be to blame when the proverbial U know hits the fan!! Think of our ancestors who fought for us to have land and a place to call home. They all believed this was the true direction to freedom. Let us prove them right and take back what privileges we are granted at birth. Not just as Americans or Canadians I am talking about all of humanity as a whole.
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